Thursday, October 13, 2011

LA Observed, Observed

LA Observed is a quick and easy news outlet for those who want a fast download of what's going on in L.A. They provide morning-to-late-night news coverage on a few topics throughout the day.

In the morning, they focus on big headlines, providing summaries on the main news featured on well-known papers and websites, like the WSJ, LAT, Entrepreneur, etc. These brief updates are usually straightforward, with no personal opinions of the author affecting the pieces. Most of the news is related to Los Angeles in some way, but not always, especially on some of the more bloggier posts.
Since L.A. is a media and entertainment-centric city, a great majority of the news is related to arts and culture. From what I observed, all of the news items are aggregated, and any first-hand accounts are specifically written on blogs under LA Observed. Even so, the aggregated stories are professionally written. All the stories are very short articles, no more than 500 words, often times just a few paragraphs, or even just a photo/video with one line of explanation. 
Some stories, especially Mark Lacter's pieces, are kind of dry and posted with no pictures. The straight-out blog posts are labeled blogs, and the ones posted throughout the day are of varied styles and subjects. Some are photo-centric, and others are reiterations of previous news articles with a heavier opinion slant, and still others are lifestyle blogs about living in L.A.

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