Thursday, December 1, 2011

Marijuana Dispensaries in Los Angeles Paying Their Justifying Taxes

By boutmuet
When a city has more medical marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks locations located across its urban landscape, you know the town has gone to the dogs. According to the Los Angeles Times, the city's office of finance reports 372 shops have filed for business tax paperwork; but really, how many true to the bone pot shops are expecting to pay taxes this year?

According to the city attorney, not all of them. A rough estimate places the total number of shops closer to 500. Looking at the Times' map of the 372 shops who have filed tax applications, you'd think all of LA County was a marijuana farm gone wild. Add about 100 more shops to that map, and you might be closer to the actual look of how many stores there really are.

So is our city going to the dogs? Only if dogs are starting to run marijuana dispensaries that try to legitimatize themselves by paying taxes.

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